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Get your goji going for Valentine's Day!

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2015-02-13

goji berries

(and chocolate, can’t forget that this month!)

I have to admit that I’d never been a fan of goji berries.

My son, Gilbert, doesn’t fancy them either.

But really, they’re so good for you!

They’re protein and antioxidant-rich, hormone-balancing, powerful chewy little nuggets that promote health and longevity.

So over the years I’ve gotten pretty crafty about sneaking that goji goodness into myriad recipes.

One of my favorite goji berries recipes is my Oh-Gee Goji Berry Nakayummy.

They’re the perfect Valentine’s Day treat!

I wanted to get this recipe into your hands now so you have time to whip up a batch to share with your sweetie.

If you want more goji goodness, check out my all time favorite goji laden smoothie recipe that the kid in your kitchen or in your heart is going to gobble up with goji giddiness.

And don’t be shy about giving a handful of gojis a go.

While I’m not a fan of the flavor, most people love them. Use them like you would raisins in GORP, cookies or bars. Sprinkle them on your morning bowl of oats or grain-free seed porridge.

And guess what? Because I love you so, I have one more Valentine’s Day treat for you. Keep your eyes on your inbox tomorrow for a coupon that will most certainly sweeten your day.



P.S. I’m posting other chocolate-inspired treats from around the web on the Replenish Facebook Page this week. Give it a like to get your daily dose of sweet treat inspiration and more!

Oh-Gee Goji Nakayummies

What’s a Nakayummy, you ask? You don’t know?!
It’s a sweet little confection of course!

But you don’t need to be limited to the chocolate variety.

The goji flavor profile in the Oh-Gee Goji Nakayummy is perfect for Valentine’s Day. The bright dried berries create a lovely marbled affect that you and your sweetie will adore.

When making Nakayummies, remember you can pour the mixture into any shaped mold you like. I have quite the collection of cubes, hearts, stars and more!

Really, anything works, ice cube trays or even a small glass dish from which you cut the candy like fudge will all do the trick.

Be creative and enjoy a little healthy nugget of goji goodness.

(use a double boiler or glass inside of a pan of boiled water)

  • 1/2 cup gently softened coconut butter

  • 1/3 to scant 1/2 cup raw honey

  • zest of two oranges (blood oranges work great)


Thoroughly mix all ingredients together until blended.

Spoon mixture into flexible ice cube trays or candy molds (see note above). The mixture might separate a bit–the oil from the sweet goji paste. Don’t worry. This is what creates the lovely marbled effect. Just be sure to get some of each portion into each mold.

Once the molds or tray are filled, put the container in the freezer for a couple of hours. You can eat the candies right from the freezer or store them in the fridge after they’ve hardened.

Oh gee goji. . . pretty AND yummy. Enjoy!

Goji: Why the Craze?

  • The goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is one of the most nutritionally rich foods on the planet!

  • Gojis can grow in remarkably diverse conditions—from the tropics to the deserts. When I think about the energetics of a food, and consider the adaptability of the goji berry, I know that it would be beneficial to be consuming more of these morsels. I want that adaptability in my life!

  • The Chinese, Tibetan, and Mongolians have been growing gojis for over 5,000 years; drying them to raisin-like texture for preservation. This makes gojis a traditional food, not a new-fangled fad.

  • Goji berries have also been grown in America—mostly in the southwest. They were an important food source for several native American tribes.

Nutritional benefits:

  • Goji berries are actually a complete source of protein—including 19 amino acids and all 8 essential amino acids. What this means is that consuming them is a great way to add protein to your daily snacks or morning smoothies.

  • Goji berries contain a wide array of trace minerals, including zinc, iron, calcium, & selenium.

  • Goji berries contain 2-4 times the amount of antioxidants found in blueberries! In terms of their antioxidant profile, I always like to say they’re like blueberries on steroids.

  • They also contain more carotenoids than carrots. Don’t be blinded by their carotenoid rich redness.

  • The goji berry has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Goji berries are a great digestive aid—they draw the digestive juices into the stomach and intestines.

  • You can easily find goji berries at your health food store or whole food market these days. Look in the bulk section or near the packaged dried fruits or super foods or you can order them .


Your comments and feedback are always welcome.

Let us know what you want to know!
Andrea Nakayama

Functional Nutrition


Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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