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Full Body Systems Graduate Spotlight: Jacqui Bryan - Blog Image

Full Body Systems Graduate Spotlight: Jacqui Bryan

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2022-01-03

Jacqui Bryan is a Registered Nurse (RN) with extensive training in western medicine and over ten years of practice under her belt. When she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, she experienced the GAPs that exist in our healthcare system. She journeyed to learn more about nutrition and a holistic approach to managing her health, her signs, and her symptoms. 

Today, Jacqui is an 18-year cancer survivor!

Not only is Jacqui cancer-free, but after graduating from Full Body Systems, she also has the confidence to help so many others, working with a full range of clients and conditions she would not have otherwise served before the program.

How did you become interested in Functional Nutrition?

Jacqui: I started studying holistic medicine because I wanted a way to help myself and others. I have extensive experience as a nurse and was trained in western medicine but found myself always outsourcing nutrition. I also experienced the GAPs in healthcare that Andrea and the Full Body Systems program specialize in addressing.

Why did you choose Full Body Systems?

Jacqui: I loved the whole-body approach. The systems-based approach is important in order to understand what’s going on in the body. I found Andrea through an Internet search and made the final decision on the program after interviewing MANY different online programs. Full Body Systems fit my needs perfectly. 

How has your practice changed after graduating from Full Body Systems?

Jacqui: I got so much more than I expected. I now have a roadmap to treat ALL kinds of conditions, and can empower people about the body and what’s actually happening inside.

The content was enlightening and my passion for serving others Functionally grew from the program and Andrea’s mentorship. In fact, I’ve gone through the program three times because I learn something new each time!  

Please tell us about yourself and the population of people you serve.

Jacqui: I’m a nurse, whole health educator, and I focus primarily on autoimmunity, gut issues, blood sugar balance, stress management and weight management. 

What led you to seek out a Functional Nutrition Counselor certification?

Jacqui: As an RN, MS, Whole Health Educator, I had the experience of being a provider and a patient, which gives me a unique perspective when working with clients. I felt strong in certain lifestyle areas such as stress, sleep, etc., but nutrition was the weak link in my practice. I was always outsourcing nutrition, and it was the number one thing people asked me about when I started working with them. So I felt I needed to find a program that would give me the tools to work with any population. Functional Nutrition is my passion, understanding how food meets physiology is fascinating and incredibly beneficial to any patient population. Andrea’s program addresses all conditions using a bioindividual approach. I love it!  

Has Full Body Systems changed how you practice as a nurse?

Jacqui: I have a different perspective and approach with my clients. My diverse background gives me the unique privilege of viewing my clients through 3 different lenses; as a cancer patient myself, as a western medical provider, and as a Functional Nutrition Counselor. For me, working with patients Functionally doesn’t mean I’m no longer an RN. It means I can offer my clients so much more! It means my toolbox is deep! Western and Functional Medicine can complement each other. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. 

Most of my clients find it refreshing to work with a healthcare provider that can walk in both worlds. For me and other nurses that have taken Full Body Systems, our nursing background gives us the advantage of understanding the medical terminology and treatment our clients receive. Our training as Functional Nutrition Counselors provides us with the opportunity to bridge the GAPs with strategies that can enhance the overall health and wellbeing of our clients. In the process, many western medical providers buy into our approach because they see the benefits their clients have experienced. This is a win-win for all! 

Can you tell us more about the clinical successes you’ve had now using Full Body Systems?

Jacqui:  I had a melanoma patient working with me that improved his sleep and lost 12lbs. I had a brain cancer patient that improved his balance and his will to live because he was so depressed. Some of these conditions I didn’t have in-depth knowledge on like microscopic colitis. I also had a patient who was struggling with fertility that got pregnant! None of these patients would have been ones that I would have taken on had I not gone through the program.

What inspires you to help others?

Jacqui: I know what it feels like to be sick and to struggle. I also know what it feels like to be a medical provider caring for those who do not care for themselves. I want to be that person that keeps people out of the hospital and helps them thrive in life. 

What advice would you give others that may be considering the FBS program?

Jacqui: If you are looking for a program that will give you the tools to work with any population, look no further. This is it! Full Body Systems gives you the knowledge, tools, resources, and mentorship so you can hit the ground running right away. 

Please share your takeaway experience learning from Andrea.

Jacqui: Full Body Systems was a game-changer for me personally and professionally. I have been through it three times, and I learn something new each time. This program makes it easy for providers to meet clients where they are and help them build a program that is a good fit for their lives. In addition, the Full Body Systems community involvement means that you are never alone. There is always someone just a click away to help you navigate any challenges that come your way. 

To learn more about Jacqui, please visit her website at JacquiBryan.com.

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By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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