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Coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide - Blog Image

Coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2020-04-01

updated 07/27/2020

There is so much you can do to positively influence immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. On this page, we’ve collected some of our favorite resources to help you support yourself, your loved ones, and your clients through these unprecedented times.

And be sure to get your hands on the tips I share in this Circle of Influence series. In this packet, I show you how using diet and lifestyle modification, you can support your immune system and create a strong, resilient internal environment.

download your Coronavirus Circle of Influence Packet

Resources to support you

click on a link below to go to the corresponding section on this page

What is Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Influence Immunity

Epic Self-Care Tips for you and yours

Coronavirus and Autoimmunity

Anti-Inflammatory Recipe Ideas

Q & A with Andrea

Curated 15-Minute Matrix podcast episodes

What is COVID-19

Having context is the first step in being able to back it up, and understand how to take a Functional Nutrition approach.

Influence Immunity

Influence Inflammation using diet and lifestyle modification and the 3 Roots, Many Branches framework.

Epic Self-Care Tips for you and yours

Many people are asking – “what can I do right now to take care of my community?” And the reality is there is so much you CAN do, to take good care. We refer to self-care as tending to the  “core basics”, and they are a great place to sit in your circle of influence.

Sleep & Relaxation

Sleep and stress management are extremely important to immune health. Below are some of our favorite methods for a great night’s sleep, as well as some functional nutrition tools for mitigating sleep issues, and ideas for ways to relax in uncertain times.

Exercise & Movement

Exercise and moving your body are critical for immune health and stress management. Given these unique times, there are more options than ever for finding a method of movement that will work for you and that you can access from the comfort of your home. Here are some of our favorite online offerings, those with a * have special pricing at this time:

And low-tech ways to get moving:

Nutrition & Hydration 

We have a whole section dedicated to anti-inflammatory superheroes below! These are some of the basics to keep in mind for food-based epic self-care.

Stress & Resilience

Uncertain times are stressful. At this moment we need to pull out all the tools we have to stay centered and ready to respond. Here are some of our favorite resilience-building practices:

  • meditation 

  • deep breathing 

  • gratitude 

  • create routine

  • laughter

  • journaling

  • stress reduction

  • joy

  • for more mental health support

Relationships & Networks

We’ve been asked to socially distance, but that doesn’t mean we need to isolate! It’s important to stay connected – even when that means we need to get creative with how to do so!

  • spend (virtual) time with friends, family and the coaching resources that provide the most support (and the least anxiety) 

  • tune in to (only) the most reliable media sources

  • tune in to beautiful ways that people are staying connected around the globe:

For Parents

A few ideas and support resources for all of you parents out there.

stress support for parents

activities for kids at home

  • Bringing Hogwarts to You for Harry Potter fans! Activities, articles, craft videos – and more, with contributions from Bloomsbury and Scholastic.

  • Radiolab for Kids  Kid-friendly stories curated by Radiolab. All in one bingeable spot!

health and wellness

special back-to-school resources


Some really beautiful stories and innovations are emerging as people come together to support one another amidst the heartbreak of the pandemic. We want to take a moment to celebrate the good that these challenging times have inspired.

Stories of Hope

COVID-19 & Autoimmunity

Do you have a question about COVID 19 and Autoimmunity? Please call our COVID-19 hotline at (888) 267-0336 and leave a message with your question. We’ll be addressing those in daily videos and in our community support sessions.

Anti-inflammatory Recipe Ideas

Always focus on food first. It’s the safest way to get the nutrients we need without accidentally over-supplementing. 

  • Functional Nutrition Alliance Pinterest – Visit our Pinterest page loaded with anti-inflammatory recipe ideas – hand-picked by Andrea and the team. 

  • Immune Superheroes  – lot’s of ideas in this post – please share with your communities!

  • Supporting gut health supports immune health bodywide, as most of the immune system lives in the gut. Some of our favorite foods for gut health are:

  • Recommended vitamins and minerals that support immune health, and top food sources for each one: 

Some of our favorite recipes right now:

Q & A with Andrea

Andrea has been answering questions from the community DAILY to offer as much support as possible.  If you have a health or self-care question about the current situation that you’d like Andrea and the nutrition team to answer, please call our COVID-19 hotline at (888) 267-0336 and leave a message.

In the meantime, here are some clips from past community sessions:

Curated 15-Minute Matrix Episodes 

Some of our favorite 15-Minute Matrix episodes that are supportive at this time. 

COVID-19 Special Releases

Stress Management

Nutrients & Botanicals to Support Immune Function

We hope these resources support you and your community to feel as empowered as possible during this difficult time. We will be updating this with new content often – so do check back! We are also very active on Instagram right now – follow us at @functionalnutritionalliance

Take good care,

Andrea Nakayama, FNLP, MSN, CNC, CNE, CHHC, Founder of the Functional Nutrition Alliance
Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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