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FINALLY! Time to don your detective hat…

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2016-03-17

For the past few weeks we’ve been on a mission…jotting down everything relevant in our trusty FMP journal pages. From food, to poop, to mood, I’ve been tracking during our Food/Mood/Poop Challenge and I hope you have been, too.

But I hear your gears churning over there, asking now what?

  • you’ve tracked your food from beets to buckwheat to bone broth…

  • you’ve kept tabs on your poop from frequent to fatty to number 5 on the Bristol chart…

  • you’ve noted your mood from mellow to migraines to muscle aches…

Now, it’s time to get out your detective hat, slip it on your noggin, and tap into the tools you have at the tips of your fingers.

But before we begin, promise me one thing…

Just get curious as you review the data you collected.

Judgment and negative self talk need not apply here – they’ll just hinder the opportunity to open your eyes to what’s really going on in there.

Getting curious and open to what’s revealed in the pages of your FMP is key here!

I realized I wanted a way to share some of the revelations that arose from my own Food/Mood/Poop tracking and also reveal how we use this simple tool with clients in our counseling fold (and yes, we do indeed use this inexpensive tool with nearly every client who comes in our door), so I asked Jen Baum, one of my lead nutritionists, to hop on video with me so we could chat about how we use the tracking tool personally and professionally.

click here to watch the video now

In this short video I share what I discovered during my own tracking (hint: my poop pattern, piling up my plate with more color, and getting curious about my afternoon hankerings).

Jen shares how using the FMP helped her crack her cravings and uncover the best way to eat to experience steady energy throughout the day.

And for a real inside peek, we discuss how we use FMP tracking with clients to reveal foods that might be causing curious symptoms (eggs, sugar and dairy, I’m looking at you), and what clues we look for to connect the dots between what they consume and how they feel.

Your Next Steps Are Simple

  1. Grab your completed Food, Mood, Poop Journal (or if you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late, you can grab your copy ).


  2. Watch the video

    to hear how to assess what you recorded in your journal. (Food, Mood, Poop… what’s the scoop?)

  3. Head over to the Replenish Facebook page, and let me know what your FMP revealed for you. I’d really love to know! (I did, after all, poop and tell on my end.)

To connecting the dots of your health.



P.S. For many of our clients, the review of their FMP actually makes us consider a hormone connection. Curious cravings, energy dips, nighttime waking might make us wonder if something is tipping the scales of their hormonal balance.

If you’re curious about your hormone connection, Save the Date for March 28 at 5:30pm PT / 8:30pm ET. I’ve got a free webinar I know you’ll want to join me for. (Check your inbox for that invite next week).

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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