BY: Andrea Nakayama
DATE: 2018-03-19
Learn what transformed one health coach from overwhelmed and panicked to knowing she can handle any client that comes her way.Molly is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Certified Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP) who shares her story with us in this short interview.
FNL: What did you struggle with before taking FNL courses?I felt overwhelmed, and I was convinced I would never know enough to truly help people in the way I wanted to. Potential clients coming to me with complex and severe health concerns used to scare me and put me in a place of panic because I felt I needed to “fix” them. I think people sensed that in me, and as a result I had a hard time attracting clients.
FNL: How have you changed since FBS?After Full Body Systems, I found a new level of confidence in myself and in my work. I was able to relax with the idea that it was OK to not know everything and still be an effective practitioner. Essentially I learned there is a big difference between “healing” and “curing”. I was able to fully embrace what I learned in FNL and realize that I DO know a lot. Also, FNL has taught me that ALL complex cases need Tier 1 support. If I ever feel nervous about a complex case, I take a deep breath and apply the principles I learned from Tier 1 and this approach has never failed me! I also feel so much more confident about speaking to doctors on behalf of my family and my clients.
FNL: How has your practice changed?My practice has transformed because I have transformed. In all honesty, I haven’t done any marketing. All of my clients have been referrals from previous clients or from an occupational therapist here in my town. I have 15 active clients and I now have a waiting list! This past December I had my first speaking engagement for the parents at my son’s school. I was also recently hired as a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner for an online weight loss program. The program’s mission and philosophy are in complete alignment with the teachings of FNL, so I knew it was a perfect match for me. This will be my first time working with a group online. I’m nervous but I am really excited about it!
FNL: What changes have you seen in your clients?It brings tears to my eyes when my clients show up for themselves and do the work, and therefore succeed in reaching their goals. Before FNL courses I didn’t have a lot of success with client compliance, but now that’s not a problem for me. I now approach each client case with the intention that I will help build the bridge but I cannot and will not BE the bridge. This mindset attracts a different type of client. I don’t have as many people coming to me for the quick fix. If I do, they usually end up moving on because it is not a right fit (for either of us!)
FNL: Please share something specific that you’ve done to grow your practice or attract more clients.I spoke at my son’s school and gave a talk on nutrition and brain health for children. I am also currently writing another presentation for hormonal health for women, and I have booked a space for that talk in April! I have had a wonderful experience working with my son’s occupational therapist. She became a client and also has referred many of the kids she works with who struggle with ASD, ADHD, and sensory integration issues. She really gets the need for nutrition support for all of her patients and knows they make more progress in her clinic when they receive nutrition and lifestyle support. It is a GREAT working relationship and I am so thankful.
FNL: Do you have a specific client success that you’d like to share?Yes! I just finished working with a little three year old boy with severe constipation. He was only pooping once every 11 to 12 days. He had painful rashes on his face that would come and go, and at the time we started working together he had yet to sleep through the night. He had restless leg syndrome and was understandably irritable and short-fused. This was a perfect “clear the muddy waters” case, and after taking out the major offenders and spending all of our time in Tier 1, he is now a pooping champ. He goes every day and his poops are healthy looking. Even his parents are envious! Heck, me too. And once we took out soy and corn he started sleeping through the night. His restless leg episodes are way down and he is completely rash-free. Woohoo! I think I am most happy about him sleeping through the night because now his mom is finally sleeping through the night for the first time in THREE years.
By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist
Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.