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Time to get more WINS in your practice - Blog Image

Time to get more WINS in your practice

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2017-05-26

Each Monday my Nutrition Team here in our clinic meets for what we call our CRM (Client Review Meeting).

Six of us gather on the phone and the Nutritionists present cases that they want to discuss as a group or get my feedback on, case by case.

We always start with “wins”—celebrating notable successes that our clients are experiencing.

Recently, we began by recounting the success of a previous client {S} who came to us in a panic a few weeks ago…

She was in tremendous pain due to gallstones and fear because her doctor was recommending gallbladder removal. We asked that she and her medical team hold off on the surgical decision for a couple of weeks, came up with our plan, {S} implemented accordingly (as she was highly motivated!), and, 2 weeks later she noted she was feeling better than she had in the past year!


We also celebrated {J}—a long-term client whose Crohn’s Disease was so advanced when she came to see us over a year ago that she was bedridden and mostly getting her fuel through a tube…

{J} has since started traveling again, has enough strength to walk through foreign cities without fatigue or fear of an accident, and she’s resumed her creative work in the world.

But {J} had recently experienced a setback—a bad flare (as can often happen with autoimmune conditions)—and our applause yesterday was for her emergence from that most recent inflammatory state.

Not only is she feeling great again, but the flare lasted only a short time (win), and we feel quite sure we’ve identified the mediator—the factor that tipped the scales for {J} that caused the recent episode…


For people with autoimmune conditions, shortening the duration of the flare and lengthening the periods between them is a critical win. It’s what dictates progress and healing.

And knowing a client or patient’s unique mediators is a huge win.

Imagine learning, for the first time, what makes your symptoms better or worse.

That can seriously change someone’s life!

And helping your clients to identify their mediators can change your practice.

[bctt tweet=”Helping clients to identify their mediators will change your practice. #functionalnutrition” username=”AndreaNakayama “]

Learning how to work with mediators is one of the quickest ways to help your clients experience relief, and to give them their power back, which is why we talk about mediators in great detail in Reframe Nutrition.

(If you haven’t joined me for Reframe yet, click here to check it out!)

It’s time for a paradigm shift in medicine.

One that will get you more WINS.

It starts with learning how to Reframe Nutrition.

If you already own the Reframe Nutrition Workshop Series, take this as a sign that it’s time to dive back into the course content. Head over to your Class Portal now or email us at support@fxnalliance.com if you can’t find your way.

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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