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Your green juice needs this…

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2018-09-27

I hear it all the time…it’s so hard to avoid the mid-morning sugar craving or that pre-dinner crash. What to do?!

Many of us refer to these times as the “witching hour”.

Blood sugars drop and emotions fly high.

Perhaps you’ve worked hard to replace your old snack-attack stand-bys with healthier choices—solid choices like sprouted nuts or a cold-pressed green juice. And I hear you, you’re more than ready to settle into the quieter rhythm of the colder months and commit anew to some of your very best habits.

And while, yes, I’m going to share my favorite veggies to include in your green juice to maximize its benefits and why*, while I’m here I also need to shed some light on the green juice cure-all craze.

If you’re anything like me—overly busy, overly committed and aiming to keep some balance in your life and in your body, with hormones that are likely shifting because of your age, persistent stressors, or environmental or genetic triggers—then a tall glass of the straight-up green goodness may not be your ticket to sustainable energy.

There. I said it. And don’t be mad.

Sure, there are a million and one ways that your green juice is a better choice than your past afternoon pick-me-up, the chocolate chip cookie or pumpkin spice latte.

A green juice is certainly a step in the right direction. We need to applaud each and every step.

But what if that super-charged green juice leaves you tired, hungry, and reaching for a nap or a Nestle anyway?! That’s when we’re most in danger of tipping the scale.

Tipping the Scale: How Estrogen Dominance is Influencing your Health, Happiness & Weight Loss Goals and What to Do About It

Believe me, I’m a green juice enthusiast along with most of the health nuts out there. I’m also a busy woman with high expectations for my health, happiness and a good sense of how I feel in my body.

I bet you are too!

I work with hundreds of women around the globe, just like you, that aren’t ready to take the “accept it, you’re aging” or the “you’re just hormonal” excuse for an answer. We want something more. And we deserve it!

We want to feel our vibrancy, in mind, body and spirit. And we can.

You may just need an educational and nutritional upgrade to get it! And I’ve got you covered there.

Tipping the Scale: How Estrogen Dominance is Influencing your Health, Happiness & Weight Loss Goals and What to Do About It

When you enroll, you’ll receive instant access to the first two videos and handouts—including a handout with your green juice upgrade—delivered right to you inbox, so you can watch on your own time. And I’ll be sure to send you the third video (and handout) when it’s ready next Monday.

Grab your upgraded green juice or elixir and don’t delay in watching the videos—you and your hormones are worth it!

*My Favorite Green Juice BASE Inclusions & Why

To upgrade your green juice (and maximize your sustained energy), head on over to Tipping the Scaleand get your free Handout when you register for the 3-part video series.

Celery has a high water content and is incredibly hydrating. It’s also one of our most alkalizing vegetable choices. When we eat more alkaline foods, we help to balance the body’s pH levels. Healthy pH levels support our best repair and restore zone for optimal metabolism.

Cilantro is one of my favorite juice base ingredients. Even if you don’t like the taste of cilantro (I know it can hit a funny note on some palates), try it in your juice base. You may just like it! It’s a great digestive and blood sugar balancing aid, but my favorite cilantro superpower is its ability to support the body’s detoxification processes.

Both lemon and lime have a beautiful way of enhancing your digestion in much the same ways that digestive enzymes do. This can help alleviate any gas or bloating that you may regularly experience. In fact, top to bottom (meaning heartburn to constipation), lemons can lend some well-deserved digestive relief!

Now that you’ve got a good green juice base, go grab your Green Juice Upgrade Handoutso you make the most of your healthy glass of liquid sunshine.

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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